New Moon Eclipse In Scorpio 2022 | Releasing Jealousy
You've been learning how to dive deeper into the depths of your shadow.
You've spent a long time repressing your pain, watching it haunt you throughout the years. You're afraid to feel because feeling is too intense for you. Your emotions are all consuming, gasping for breath, but you refuse to give them any life at all.
Back then, your only focus was on survival. Now that you finally have permission to feel, the accumulation of all of your emotions came at full force, all at once. You've been trapped in the idea that running away from your grief would bring you solace, but instead your grief came knocking at your door with a brick in between its thumbs.
This is the energy of the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse that transpired on May 16th brought about some painful endings. Whether it was the ending of your old identity or the ending of the relationships and situations that no longer served you.
Venus in Scorpio is conjunct this eclipse, showing us where we are lacking compassion towards ourselves or others by projecting our insecurities onto others. Venus is detriment in Scorpio, meaning it feels unstable in this zodiac sign.
Jealousy is a huge theme with the collective's energy right now. We are noticing people who project their unprocessed insecurities onto other's happiness, joy, and fulfilling relationships.
Envy appears when we compare ourselves to other people and come from a place of lack. Jealousy appears when you feel threatened by this sense of lack, and you begin to fester resentment from your envy.
Theres deeper shadow work you have to do when it comes to deconstructing your jealousy. When you are able to focus on your confidence and self worth growing, the jealousy, envy, and comparison fade away.
You are being guided to witness what hurts too much to hold on to anymore. It is unnecessary for you to hold onto the identity of your pain. You are a whole person outside of your pain and it is time for you to redefine yourself.
As you acknowledge the truths you have been deeply repressing, you recognize that there is unaddressed pain and trauma you have not confronted.
It's time for you to release the heavy burdens that are no longer yours to claim.
You are being welcomed to acknowledge your jealousy and envy so that you can cut them at the root. Take this as a sign to do some deeper shadow work and work on your jealousy and envy until it stops showing up.
Your envy is there to show you your deepest insecurities. Do not let it consume you.
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