Full Moon In Aries 2022 | Love Is A Battlefield

You've been treading through your life treating love like a battlefield.

You aren't the war monger, you're the solider that got drafted into a minefield. You were raised learning love is full of expectations. Now you don't know which step to take, not knowing what to expect, fearing that your next one will be your last.

When you find that person that looks at you like you have stars in your eyes, you begin to feel the fear of being seen for who you truly are.

You put on a great front, but can you handle someone actually loving you are at your core?

Do you understand what it means to love? Perhaps you don't. It's okay to admit to yourself you don't know what love is.

You may not know how to love and you may find yourself questioning what it means to be a good lover.

In the past, you were clawing for the scraps of expectations, telling yourself "this is love, this is love". Then one day, you were finally met with acceptance, understanding, and compassion for the first time, you broke to pieces. "But this is not the love I know, therefore, it must not be love". Your entire nervous system was forced to reboot. What even IS love?

The love you once knew wasn't love at all, it was trauma bonds and neglect, abuse and disrespect. When you were welcomed with safety, compassion, and unconditional understanding, you shut down completely.

You pushed away the people who made you feel safe because you were so used to the chaos.

This Full Moon in Aries is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. Chiron in Aries teaches us that our deepest wounds started from feeling unsafe. From a young age, you may have put up the facade of independence and resiliency, when really, you're the scared little child who got lost looking for your way home.

You couldn't find the way back home so you paved your own way back.

Everyone tells you you're so strong, but all you really want is someone to take the weight of the world off your chest. You nod in agreement saying it's just your personality, when really it's all the bullets life started throwing at you as soon as you were out of the womb.

This is Chiron in Aries.

Venus in Libra is opposing this Full Moon, showing us where we need to have more compassion for the triggers that come up in our relationships. Tend to your inner child and hold yourself through the pain as if you were raising yourself.

Protecting yourself from the pain is important, but what comes after?

What comes after is the acceptance of the pain. The acceptance of everything you've been fighting against for so long. Love doesn't have to be a battlefield anymore.

You cannot take care of someone else if you do not know how to tend to yourself first.

Come and learn how to protect yourself psychically with me in my course, Psychic Self Defense: A Spiritual Protection Course. Let's get you protected energetically so you can have the safety you need to heal.


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