Full Moon In Pisces 2022 | Your Divine Blessing

Today is the Full Moon in Pisces.

All the good that you've been putting into the world, all the inner work you've been doing, and all the ways you've helped others comes back to give you an angel's kiss.

Your divine right to your blessings comes forward as you begin to understand the truth of who you are.

This Full Moon is bringing so many blessings to you who has been serving the greater good of humanity, healing yourself and helping others. Blessings may also come in disguise, painted as a burden that you’ll soon unearth into the birth of your divine blessing. Be patient, and let it all unfold.

Full moons are times of illumination. Things that are hidden are uncovered and truths are revealed.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, planet of illusions and dreams. Seeing the truth of a matter is a blessing in disguise. It means you are not shrouded and clouded by the illusions and delusions of Neptune

You can rest easy knowing that the act is over. Your own ego dissolves to uncover the core of who you truly are. Who are you? Beyond the stories your mind tells you, how do your actions define your character?

Extend grace to yourself, any and all masks will be falling off as others reveal their true selves to you. Their intentions cannot be hidden anymore, you have been embracing the path of compassion for far too long.

During this time, illusions and facades come forward to bask into the light of divine truth. If you've been avoiding facing yourself, prepare to do so now.

It's not that scary to be seen for who you truly are, unless you have some deeply embedded regrets you've grown to echo as sins you could never be redeemed for.

You too are not without the divine's grace. This is the dissolution of your ego, showing you exactly where you stand with the divine.

The divine IS the archetype of Pisces. The unseen and the undetected is ruled by Pisces. Pisces is the spiritual forces at play, the astral plane. 

The workings of the unknown are being thrown in front of your face. Take the hint and understand that what is being revealed to you is showing you the missing piece you’ve long forgotten.

If you’ve been of great service to humanity by being a kind and empathetic person, spreading love into the world, helping others, and sharing compassion, then a great blessing will bestow upon you. 

This blessing may come in disguise, but it will come nonetheless.

If you’ve been trodding the world as a self-serving being by thinking only of self, controlling the narratives and free will of others while having no intention to serve the greater good of humanity, then you’ll have a much more difficult time with this full moon.

Pisces doesn’t do self serving. Pisces is unconditional love, the love of god. Pisces feels and empathizes for others in the ways that no one else can feel, to the depths of the ocean.

The ocean knows no boundaries, it encompasses all.

We still don't know how deep the ocean really goes. Nobody knows, not even Pisces understands the depths of their own emotions sometimes. They just turn it into art.

All the colors on their canvas could not portray the rainbows of emotions they feel. There aren't enough colors in the world to illustrate the galaxy of their emotions.

Because Pisces feels so deeply and so much, they can feel right down to the depths of someone’s soul.

It's a beautiful experience, their greatest blessing.

Being forced to face yourself isn't easy, sometimes your ego needs to dissolve and break down for you to see the divine truth of who you've become. If you don't like it, you can always choose to paint a different picture.

Once you've been through the trenches of the ocean, there is a light that comes from within.

You are the light. Do not allow your shadow to swallow you whole. Do not allow the trenches to consume you.

The evolution of your soul is on the other side of your trenches. You too will reach up to the divine light again, silky blue, ocean hue.


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